There is a growing consensus around the need to redesign schools from the standardized factory model we have inherited to one that can enable powerful learning and thriving for each and every student. Redesigning schools for deeper and more equitable learning requires systemic approaches that cultivate strong, supportive relationships and positive climate; enable rich, engaging, student-centered learning; implement meaningful family and community engagement; and foster integrated student supports that foster health and well-being for all students. This is especially important to support the growing number of children who experience the effects of trauma, poverty, discrimination, and other adverse conditions.
There are high schools across the country that effectively implement these multifaceted approaches to support learning and healthy development. While these secondary schools remain exceptions rather than the norm, they offer a powerful evidence-based blueprint to create high schools that are more humane, enriching, and productive than our current models. This resource outlines 10 features from effectively redesigned high schools and highlights examples of schools that are putting these features into practice to create powerful learning opportunities for youth.
Cover photo by Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for EDUimages.